
Elena Belfiore obtained her Master degree in pharmaceutical chemistry and technology from University of Palermo, Italy. She then completed a one-year second-level master's degree at the Sapienza University of Rome. After two years of practicing as a pharmacist, she started her PhD project, funded by MUR, PON FSE REACT EU Research and Innovation 2014–2020 Action IV.5, in University of Palermo, acquiring skills in drug delivery systems’ design in cosmetic and pharmaceutical technology laboratory under the mentorship of Prof. V. De Caro. Focus of her PhD project is the development of novel polyphenols-enriched extracts useful as functional excipient for pharmaceutical/cosmetic formulations, aimed at maintaining oral health and treating disorders. Currently she’s following a 6 months research exchange period at KU Leuven, OMFS-IMPATH under the supervision of Dr. Reinhilde Jacobs and Mostafa EzEldeen, collaborating with phD researcher Una Ivković.